
ARCUS:  The World Formula and its Solutions

Consequently constructed using the results of Albert Einstein and Max Planck leading to the Unified Field Theory

The Preaching
Basic Problems

Hitherto existing opinion is caused on theory of probability. Statistics were becoming to a part of reality, for example: electron dust above a nucleus, chicken dust above Germany (because every German eats one chicken per week). Should statistics be real? I say, it is a crutch of science. First, they haven't yet a knowledge about reality. Second, they will never determine reality but statistics because of processes, which are hardly to understand like tunnel effect.

Dual nature of matter leads to a unit of waves and particles. Written this kind, it might be right. Waves equally set to particles, but is wrong, so wrong is the word and the fact of "light-particle". Theories say, particles would be distributed to dust or "sand". The subparticles of this dust would reach the infiniteness - the particle as a common function of probability.

But this is a function of wave interactions, really! Cosms themselves would have no outer interaction, if they would not move in a closed system of movements - in a hierarchy of cosms. Moving charge and mass gives two features of wavequanta: 1. Electromagnetism, 2. Gravitomagnetism.

Wavequanta are the hands on the arms of microcosms. Instead, they would have no medium to contact each other. The position r of interaction of the wavequantum at another wavequantum is caused by Planck's condition

nħ = m v r / Ö (1-v²/c²).

So the speed, the mass and the curved way of the particle determine its state of the quantum nħ. The radius r can go between zero and infinite. This is the wave problem of the tunnel effect, not a subatomic problem (But the macro results are the same but wrong or right opinions).

Because waves carry a momentum (an impulse) like moved particles also do it, physics think waves are particles. But this is better: Particle movements origin their impulses (their momenta, their wavequanta).

Running impulses inthrough there are the things called waves resp. wavequanta. So there is a dual nature of impulses, not of particles and waves: Momenta of particles are the same as free running impulses of waves. Light particles do not exist - light impulses of waves exist (wavequanta as photons). Impulses of light react like impulses of particles and with impulses of particles own, in that particles are moved from light. Stationary vacuum, I found, is a state containing all the stable particles of this world in parity. That means parities of charge-anticharge, mass-antimass, impulse-antiimpulse (momentum-antimomentum). The result is zero of property, an ideal medium, ideal fluid, a fluidum even and alone for particles, their charges and their impulses!

Is there one proton in vacuum, each parities of it have to be separated along the law of 1/r². This is the electric field - the real polarization of vacuum-quanta into the theoretical infiniteness. Do you turn the proton to circle, the polarization of the vacuum is running (winding) along. This is the magnetic field - a rotation polarization of vacuum-quanta. Each second proton would now get a new movement because of the interaction of both fields, of both protons. We have static and rotating fields of electrity (electrition) and of gravity (gravitation).

Below to these secondary wavequanta, there are primary exchange quanta of the speed of c between the primary forces of the particles. This is due to the oscillation of the particles. This operation has misled the quantum mechanics to this day. Particles are Oscillators, Resonators.

If you have a tiltable photon (it is like a pyramid standing on its top), the smallest impulse can turn it. A second photon, which has no contact to the first, could turn it, too. This experiment should prove the possibility of beaming particles, they think. I say: It is nonsense. They think, the tunnel effect would have sent particles. But think on polarization of vacuum-quanta. One running photon is not one line without any metrical dimension! This one is a concentrated polarization of vacuum. On its way, this photon is carrying its polarization besides. This photon vacuum field was connecting the tiltable photon and turning it around. No beaming, no particle transmission! If my theory is right, particles are spherically limited microcosms. They have an oscillating diameter. But they are no waves - they are broadcasting and receiving stations. Because of their free movement in vacuum, every exchange of sent and received wavequantum gives an impulse exchange and so a new movement of the microcosm. So a cosm and his primary waves are connected with themselves. Never a cosm or the cosmos (like universe) are statistically distributed into dust of subparticles, which would cause the tunnel effect.

Rather, the exchanged primary wavequanta between the cosms are the origin of an interaction field around each particle. This field contains the quanta to contact the next particle before getting together. This way, there is no possibility of measurements of microcosms directly. If you shot charged particles together, the electromagnetic interaction would sign the picture of the "particle", which is not even this itself. Consequently, you can't see an atomic nucleus really, you can't measure a radius of a proton (e. m. given as 0.8 fm = 8·10-16 m, but the real oscillation sphere radius is calculated by me to R = 2.1·10-16 m).

If you increase the energy of interacting electron-wavequanta to a proton on more than 940 MeV, you will have interactions with the charges of the subparticles, which are closed below the Radius R. There are many kinds them with negative charge and one more than this number with positive charge, result: one positive elementary charge.

This cloud of subparticles in a proton (I called them protocosms) physics called it "polarization of vacuum" wrongly. You see, how quick wrong thesis can determine wrong theories: They think, the real subparticles to "vacuum effects", but the wavequanta interactions between particles they think to a "dust of subparticles". This mix up in nuclear science has to be ordered before a united look is possible. That seems to be my profession.

If you understand this momentum-problem that particles cannot be indicated but only their interaction momenta, which are the result of their wave-property, so Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty relation is not the problem between the position of the particle and its momentum, but the problem between the position of the wavequantum interaction and its momentum (this is a unity of waves only!!), tell me your opinion. Particles are mini-cosms. You cannot contact them during contacting their radii. That would be nonsense. You also cannot contact the central gravity point. Then you had to run with light speed (near the centre of Black Hole). Thus, each contact is an interaction between the momentum itself of each moved cosm.

If nobody could understand this small difference, I could let it be.




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