Briefly: Since the observation
of the red shift of the spectra of galaxies, it has been
assumed that it is caused by the Doppler shift. This Doppler
shift depends on the change in velocity. Since then, it has
been believed in escaping velocity of galaxies.
Ask yourself, please: Why do scientists think of lambda
parameter like a mystify state shift? Explaining this, they
constructed Dark Matter. All their theories are caused on
mysteries of chaos and assumptions and preconditions. Not one
closed line leads to a complete knowledge. Everything has been
remained a riddle! And for that Nobel-prizes?
But my theory doesn't. Its solution explains the inflation
of universe coming out from the complete system of equations
and solutions of my theory without contradictions. Let's look
if we can briefly explain the thing here without using
Important: Black Holes of my theory solutions are divergently
locked Black White Holes BWH! So they are never really black!
This way, they are never completely locked. Therefore, they
open themselves after a short time having explosions
(evaporations) of nearly white holes. These are forming out the structures of the
universe. Ich called them COSMS and PROTOCOSMS.
Absolutely, there was no Big Bang! A Small Bang was running
first before many other Small bangs were following. The first
of them emitted energy and mass from the center of universe. This
gigantic energy of the nearly homogeneous radiation arised
since this moment. From the same center, but not only came that
Small Bang, but an innumerable amount of extremely dense
Protocosms laying onto the central Small Bang. They were accelerated by the first free energy until they themselves
were evaporating and forming up the structures above the
homogeneous central body. This way, looking strictly formally
and linearly, the universe seems to be accelerated while its
expansion, and it seems to do it presently if you do not
cancel the premise of Big Bang, Everything should be coming
from the hypothetical Big Bang.
But it does not! Consequently
the structures are layed on layer by layer. The illusory
picture deceives the observer. Because the complete mass of
universe is enough to close it. But not by return of expansion
or just simply by a complete fall down. Because there were
never a complete rising up, but a piling up of the structures.
Therefore, there will be a piling down of layers of structures
disappearing into the Protocosms and flying into the center
of universe come together with the others, but not uniting
with them. Their flight is invisible! Dark! Protocosms are
that dark matter! Layer by layer from above to below, just the same
way they were built up before by condensation processes. This is the only logic of this
real world! You can fill a one door store just by storage in
which the last will be the first who will be coming out. The
last, these are the layers above in universe. They will be the
first, which will be piled down - invisibly for the
Nobel-Prize-Winner! How long will it take that they will see
the reality?
Expanded explanation:
What do you think about "Big Bang" was not big
but "small"? Then the initial cloud of hydrogen
could not reach present magnitudes. Before we explain where
the matter laying above this small bang comes from, we will
look what chance of expanding the Small Bang had. Every
scientist knows that if the complete matter we observe today
would have exploded in past by "Big Bang", it never
could reach the extension of the present universe.
So they
found that there must have happened an inflation
process. If there wasn't such an inflation, the cold cloud
would have stopped on about less than tenth of the present
perimeter. Then it were falling to create a Black Hole in the
center and an environment, which is covered by cold hydrogen.
This really might be the present gigantic core of the
gravitational universe how I predict it.
Scientist don't know
how the galaxy matter came above such a core if not
immediately from this core directly. And so they created the
premise of inflation of that cold matter accelerated by itself
mysterious varying of lambda parameter of Einstein's General Relativity
Theory. All scientist including myself believe that
something must be there, what has made the matter laying on
such a core of the first bang. Present scientists have no
complete answer, because they have no United Field Theory as
me with my IOT "Ideal-Oscillator-Theory",
also called "The Electrogravitation" (cf. The Book
Arcus I and V).
And now we come back to our Small Bang. Is the red shift a
different thing, when the bang was a little smaller? No, it
isn't. It has a smaller intensity. But nobody knows that intensity
necessary for explaining the complete thing. Let us
stop here and assume that the Small Bang makes to see our
background radiation. Where do we come from if not from the
Small Bang?
Imagine that the complex of structures in the
beginning of the first bang would have prepared some further bangs.
These evaporating Protocosms would lay a little more fare away from the first
bang programmed to be the Small Bang. Then this first bang
would accelerate the structures of the further bangs by
radiations, and they
would fly up into the vacuum-sky prepared to be the space for
extending particles. Every secondary bang is the intrinsic
start of the birth of a galaxy cluster or of the structure made
from Hubble bubbles.
If you want to know how the secondary bangs are able to be
accelerated by the first bang and how they can fly so long to
reach the present elongation of our universe, you have to
learn what Protocosms and their special feature Energy-Cosms are and after what calculation they are
changing between their states to be phenomena of less mass and
opening to phenomena of very big masses of galaxies.