ARCUS: World's Formula and its Solutions

Consequently constructed using the results of Albert Einstein and Max Planck leading to the Unified Field Theory


About me

"Everything in this world is finite, but: Nothing is eternally nothing anymore!"

Arcus in 2000

I felt challenged by the innumerable philosophers of the history. These persons have given innumerable and partly nonsensical remarks of themselves that somehow should reflect the meaning of their own findings, namely that knowledge that was different from other philosopher controversially. How Karl Marx already noticed, these meanings were just a variety of various interpretations of the world. However, who met the proximity to the reality? Nobody can assess it until now. However, I have built the Unified Field Theory. Therefore, I am in the possession of the most important solutions.

To do justice to this circumstance, I formulated the sentence listed above in a humorous minute. It should sound so confused as the philosopher sentences before me.

I bet that this statement means the end of 70% of all the brains: Not interpretible, unaudible. This idea had demanded a smile from me. It is just humor! However, in the end, I had to notice a little meaning which can be breathed into it, then it is still possible anyway, if I interpret this sentence as followed:

1. The world isn't infinite. Nothing but also nothing at all has earned the title to be infinite. Not once the time is infinite since there it is always only in the form of single periods. If the time and the way aren't infinite, then the rest that consists of both cannot be infinite either. In addition, I discovered that an infinity would never be divisible by a finiteness to yield a finiteness. The finitenesses we watched and the limitations of the things consequently cannot be derived or divided off from an infinity! The universe is a finite ball which pulsates, respectively it oscillates.

2. From the first thought, it would follow the conclusion: Everything is gratuitous. Everything passes. However, I negate this in the second part of my statement, in principle. I want to say that despite all finitenesses of the matter, there are things that change them so lastingly that the next period just isn't like the last anymore, but that it is a little different because there was the last period taking place at the matter with it. The matter, its laws, its finiteness hasn't changed. But, anyway this:

All the events, all of them leave a changed appearance of every appearance, whether of animal, of plant or of man. These appearances live on and change the future, not the past! The universe is reprogramed insignificantly concerning its information content. But none of the preservation laws of the matter changes. Everything remains finite. Only that the next universe changed a little bit in the next oscillation period by information.


I namely decline the turning back of the time on the base of my solutions, in principle! The same universe in this respect cannot oscillate spontaneously negatively.

· All rights reserved: Arcus (Heinz-Joachim Ackermann, since1998) ·