
ARCUS:  The World Formula and its Solutions

Consequently constructed using the results of Albert Einstein and Max Planck leading to the Unified Field Theory

The Preaching
Thesis: God should create the world being in higher dimensions than the matter itself.

Please, think about the logic along with me:

The world must be a product of a process starting with less structure having an evolution to complicated structures. So less dimensions are standing at the beginning and many dimensions will be results of proceeding. If God would be living in higher dimensions than the world itself and HE would be a product of HIS own world. How should HE have created this world?

This experiment of thoughts is the argument of materialists ignoring GOD.

But God cannot be a product of matter, so he does not live in higher dimensions, so he could not make a very complicated world formula. If this would be so, materialists would laugh and say: There is no God!

If we would go on believing in God, he only could be the Creator in the beginning of all. There he had to create the dimensions. Think, in the start of all, no dimension was existing. God made dimensions from zero. It is simply to understand. If you have one point you can draw lines from it. Lay three lines through it, and you have three coordinates! But the point will be zero. Zero is the starting dimension - the zero dimension.

Mathematics make shifting coordinate systems. So you can shift the zero point. But what a fool would shift the central point of a sphere asserting now, this point would be really at a different place? The reality of a gravitational center of the universe you cannot shift! There is the point of the beginning, there is the zero dimension.

But what is such a zero dimension?

We are beings of the material dimensions. We cannot imagine what a structure another kind of matter would have at the beginning if it should not be this matter we find here. You can read about such a kind of circular thinking in main-stream physics like physics of Steven W. Hawking (These physicists think quantum foam would be the pre-state of matter giving particles accidentally. I say to this opinion: quanta at the beginning are real matter, they are not a pre-state because particle movements make quanta. That's a circular thinking again.). We have to accept, that we cannot think exceeding from this point. No material things are no matter. They are nothing for us. What is nothing? Nothing is without dimension. This is one point. If we loose our dimensional thinking, we must come down to this point. But what importance and structure this point has in God's paradise, we never can discover. So we only can find this single answer: The first point was moved by God to be a moving thing making the dimensions of matter! So I followed from this: Matter is the product of anything (the points or dots) which was moved by God. Anything-moved is a real substance for God, but not directly touchable for us. We are pictures made by movements resulting in a kind of foam made of God's real substances which we see them being dots!

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