
ARCUS:  The World Formula and its Solutions

Consequently constructed using the results of Albert Einstein and Max Planck leading to the Unified Field Theory

The Preaching
Physicists think, a Black Hole cannot open itself during a short time period. But my protocosm-theory made it possible.

A protocosm is filled with the mass M of a theoretical Black Hole (BH). Really, it is just a Dark Gray Hole. It never reaches the final horizon of total "black"

My Gray Hole externally oscillates with a small frequency f that externally makes the external mass m. The internal mass M does not act to the outside, because its coordinate system is locked inside by almost total curvature. A comparison for you may be as follows:

No field line of gravitation is able to get to the outside. All the field lines are curved and turn around back into the DH without leaving it! Nobody wants to believe this. Just it is extremely simple: Locked coordinate systems or geodesic lines cannot act to the outside! Only open BH can have extremely strong attractions to the outside. So I found the Divergent Sphere acting like a seemable BH, but is is not yet a DH. It is compressed matter, inside in its center, it produces pairs of protocosms.

Such a protocosm (PK from German l. Protokosmos) is a very fast flying object with small mass m transporting a big mass M inside.

Let's observe the topmost sub-PK inside of such a DH, itself as PK. It must still open itself overcoming the gravitational radius of the DH. Then its internal mass M counts to the mass of the BH. If it is not open yet, so this part of the top Sub-PK mass is lost for mass M of BH. The BH is open now! If this topmost Sub-PK flies above the gravitational radius (it can do so, because its external mass m is small and the BH is already open), it then opens itself externally of the DH. There, the Sub-PK lays down its mass M. Just this time, the BH or DH is negated! There the mass M is missed.

The story of those black holes that will eternally stay black, we really can forget!




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