
ARCUS:  The World Formula and its Solutions

Consequently constructed using the results of Albert Einstein and Max Planck leading to the Unified Field Theory

The Preaching


Simple Explanation of my World Solution

Addition: The Core of my Theory: The Protocosm Solution

In the beginning, there is Einstein's equation E = mo c². [mo is resting mass at particles and momentum masse mw at wavequanta; c is the vacuum velocity of light]

Additionally, there is Planck's equation E = h f. [h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency of an oscillation or of a vibration]

That means that the matter has both manifestations: 1st mass and 2nd energy. Old concepts of matter as material are historic. Philosophically, matter is the complete thing, which is filling the universe, so it is both energy and mass. You could say: gravitation's cosmos and radiation's cosmos are forming a unit.

Interpreting Planck's equation you can see that the energy comes from an oscillation with the frequency f.

Then I set both equations equal with the energy, and I get the equation for the resting mass mo = h f /c² .

Here you can see that also the mass comes from a process of the oscillation. If you calculate the mass of a proton of 1.6726 x 10-27 kg into an oscillation by using this equation, you get 2.2 x1023 Hz. What a vibration should this be? Some scientists mean to use that magnitude simply by Heisenberg's uncertainty. They interpret that a particle was probable during the time of 4.4 x10-24 s. I was thinking another way, when I asked for the amplitude of a possible spherical vibration of the particle. Therefore, I presupposed the hypothesis, the particle makes a Tesla wave by its spherical wave-like oscillation, which is all over spherically exchanged by wavequanta and which causes the real manifestation of the mass attraction - the gravitation.

The amplitude of the proton, I calculated to Ro = 2.1 x10-16 m. Then I asked myself what ever would be inside of that proton?

I had a fantastic idea. My hypothesis was: the total matter consists of a system of Black Holes (BH) and so of microcosms, which puzzle out the macrocosm - that's a Hierarchy.

Therefore, I looked at Einstein's simple solution of the horizon ro of a static Black Hole:
ro = 2 G Mo / c². [there G is the gravitation constant and Mo is the internal mass]

Why is there the number of 2? Let's make it simply! I had clues from the general Relativity Theory:

Ro = ro / 2 = G Mo / c².

This would mean that at the inside of a BH, the internal mass M would just reach to half the total horizon. There, this mass Mo would vibrate like a bubble and cause the external mass mo. A second amount of Mo is the summ of the masses of all the photons and fallons in the cosm. I call it a radiation cosm above the mass cosm.

Supporting this hypothesis, I just could assume that the exchange waves of the internal gravitation would also be locked in its BH, just as the exchange wavequanta of the electromagnetic waves - for example of the light.

I represented the mass mo as amplitude Ro and set it equal to Ro from equation of BH. In the result of the calculation of all the constants, I got a new constant k (sometimes I called it kappa, another time it was d) and the following relations:

Mo = k / mo with k = 4.7 x 10-16 kg².

The internal mass Mo of one single proton would be equal to 280 billion kg!!

Is this unreal or slippery?!

It isn't plausible to me anymore that famous scientists cannot think in cohesions and in reciprocal cohesions!

If you set this mass M and the external mass m into one equation of gravitation force using the distances of the amplitudes, then you get such a strange force, which is about 1039-times larger than the gravitation force between both nucleons. Just this is the magnitude of nuclear force or of strong force between nucleons. Is it unreal?

How does the internal cosm-mass vibrate then (yellow area at the picture below here)? Does it simply fall together? Is it simply just a bubble? No, it doesn't. In the reality, the elongation is just apparently an oscillation. There, the complete mass-body isn't vibrating! The vibration of the mass-sphere (yellow) just seems to be in such a way, because the mass parts and partons are built up and rebuilt down repeating this process.

Only light waves and gravitation waves draw their circles (4) from the center (2) to the amplitude (line 3 makes upper rest dots) and back - only the wave ways draw an oscillation procedure:

The circles even have an order! Very light particles could fly alongously the light line, too, for example the neutrinos. Heavy particles do not come near enough to the light speed. Therefore, I looked for a solution of very light particles. This solution, I found as I saw the reversed relations of internal and external mass like above shown with the equation and the constant k. Following, the Sun of the mass Mo=2 x 1030 kg could disappear in such a BH, which then would weigh just about mo=2 x 10-46 kg, lighter than a neutrino. BHs, made from galaxies, would be yet much lighter. Then all the BHs would fly through the universe just on both violet bows, and there would not be any real evolution of the things in universe. Another solution was helping me: If a BH was formed from the outside (collapse and condensation), then it is not really locked, but it is just divergently locked or closed. If such an divergently locked cosm expands again after contraction, so it must burst apart (by anticollapse and evaporation). This manner of unstable particles, therefore unstable BH, I called then Protocosms. They are made from radiation mass, resting mass and much more energy.

They burst apart (evaporate) and give free their radiation and their inside mass (cf. quasars). So beneath the radiations, the protocosms fly on bows through the universe. Shortly living protocosms decay just after the center passage of the universe. They are small, externally heavy and of multiple number (innumerable number). Inside, they are relatively light. The innumerable number of this type of protocosms makes an almost homogeneous mash of matter (energy and mass) during its decay in the proximity of the universe center. Present scientists think, this phenomenon would be the "Big Bang", and this would be the only effect of creating the whole universe.

But protocosms, which are living longer and which are lighter can fly away from this first bang. Depending on the longevity, they decay on elongation bows, which are successively higher, until the last of them, the lightest and internally heaviest protocosms reach the amplitude of their BH including all of them. See - our universe is a Black Hole, and it is oscillating! In its center, there is something like a feature of "big bang", but above this, there is piled up the real rest of the matter! This bang is just a Small Bang followed by a turn of a lot of Smaller Bangs.

No matter what ever, a stable cosm, the universe, the proton, the electron, the neutrino, they all together work following the same principles. Additionally, there are the protocosms as unstable compounds of unstable particles and the ordinary unstable particles. Each galaxy, each star, but also the universe include a core at its center, which generates protocosm pairs one after the other. There is a Divergent Sphere DS, in which center protocosms arise.

Protocosms can burst apart and evaporate.

Unstable particles do not burst apart during their decay. The logic is: they are destabilized stable BHs. If they are eating energy, then they send out energy in parity - these are particle pairs, with them they are coupling temporarily. In the end, the stable particle is coming back. Stable particles do not eat mass of different particles, but they interact with the energy of these partners in parity. During weak interaction, there can be a change of the partons of particles (cf. my TBAIII). This fact has given to me a totally different opinion about particles - a complex imagination of spherically oscillating and non-stationary Black White Holes BWH. The string theory limps behind me for decades.

In the end, I have discovered these solutions from General Relativity Theory and found there the Oscillators, which nobody than me has seen there before in this special feature. Therefore, my solution is the "Oscillator Solution" of the Relativity Theory (Arcus 1987). World formulae were the results of the General Relativity Theory, because they express the unit of matter and Quantum Theory, but now in a different manner than all the models before.

If particles are the causes of waves for exchanging gravitation and exchanging electrostatic force - then waves made by relative movements of particles cannot be the same as particles! Particles are not equal to waves, but they are the OSCILLATORS (resonators) - they are the PRODUCERS of the primary Tesla wavequanta. While their relative movement of these oscillators, they cause those secondary wave types (secondary e.m. and g.m. wavequanta as secondary transversal and as secondary longitudinal waves).

Consequently, my theory leads to a simple interpretation of the wave's system:

Corresponding to Einstein's opinion, the singularities of gravitational field now really are inside of the stable elementary particles, protons and electrons. Let's use the example of the electron. It has a mass of about 9 x 10-31 kg. Electron's mass ¾ the force of its attraction ¾ comes from the pulsation of the spherical surface of the electron as a BWH. During this event, the electron contracts to an extremely small minimum and expands to its maximum of about 3.9 x 10-13 m while the time period of just about 10-20 seconds. This way, the pulsating surface radiates momenta into every direction. These are the primary wavequanta, which cause the gravitation. Each particle exchanges momenta with other particles - wavequanta. The exchange leads to the attraction between all the particles of our ordinary matter. The complete thing appears like a monopolar field, but it is a primary dipole field, absolutely coupled with all the other. Each mass is a monopole model. Each electric charge is a monopole model, too, and analogously to the gravitation explicable as a longitudinal spherical wave, starting from elementary charge. The electric charge receives such wavequanta from the other charges.

Imagine, the electron was single in space. Then there is no reason that the exchange wavequanta would not must run straight ahead. Instead of the concept of exchange quanta, we can simplify it to field lines. The field lines run from the electron into all directions as if they were prickles. Because of the pulsations, the field lines become new after sending of every new exchange quantum. They consist of bullets, which I called wavequanta. Especially, I called them Primary Wavequanta.

When we move the electron, then the field lines will be curved. The cause is: the quanta are shot into a new direction while each changing and emitting. The curved field line forms a middle dot anywhere in space, where is the radius of the particle orbit. The force vector shows into the center of the circle. There, the secondary singularity of the new curved field is born. The result is nothing more than the center of the magnetic field, which now is a bipolar field or a dipole because of a speed lower than light speed in vacuum.

Each change of the position of the primary exchange field (of primary dipoles) - if gravitational, if electric or both - makes a secondary wavequantum in space, where now a bipolar magnetic field is running. This wave consists of components of the seemingly monopolar field (of gravitational or electric field) and of the rotating field (of the magnetic field, if gravitationally or electrically caused). Therefore, it is right: electromagnetic waves are secondary waves, which are made of moving electric charges. In my theory, such secondary waves made by moving masses, didn't get the simple name gravitation waves but gravitomagnetic waves.

When finally magnetic fields rotate or convert, then secondary vibrations come into space, which have a determined frequency. These vibrations are continuing themselves as secondary wavequanta.

From these reasons, wavequanta cannot be equal to those elementary particles, which are causing resp. producing them at all. Particles are the oscillators/ resonators or vibration generators, in rest when they make the gravitation and the electric charge (electrition), in movement to each other when they make the gravitomagnetic and electromagnetic wavequanta!

The radius of a particle's orbit shows to the particle starting from the center of the path. The wave amplitude of that magnetic field shows into the center of the orbit starting at the particle's position. Both vectors are contrary to each other. At that position, where the magnetic quantum is, there is not the particle's position! There is the center of the particle's orbit. At that location, where the particle is, there is not the magnetic quantum's position, because there is the particle's position.

Erwin Schrödinger and his interprets have set equal the position of the magnet quantum to the particle's position statistically, following the interpretation of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - that was the perfect mistake. Since then, physicists think, particles would be statistically solved into a feature of dust of their own waves. That would be a dual nature of particles and waves. But dual nature doesn't really exist! More or better, a Cohesion between Oscillators, the particles themselves, and Wavequanta, generated by particles, is reality.

Those are my sites

https://www.arcusuniverse.com of my theory about World Formula named Ideal-Oscillator-Theory, just as a variant of the Unified Field Theory


· All rights reserved: Arcus (Heinz-Joachim Ackermann, since1998) ·